When Ugly Sweaters Aren't Ugly

October 28, 2014



"Bro, you heading to that ugly sweater party this weekend?" was a question I heard way too many times in college. It was an excuse to drink winterized versions of alcohol that don't need them. I like a Hot Toddy as much as the next guy these days, but during my pre-legal drinking years, you couldn't get me to touch those lemon-laden cocktails sprinkled with a healthy helping of potpourri. I would go so far as to say that hot alcohol has no place in my stomach, but that's what you get with winter, I suppose. The issue I have with ugly sweater parties is that something like this Industry Of All Nations alpaca sweater shows up and everyone at the party considers it ugly sweater. And yet, this is so far from ugly that it makes me want to adopt it, take it home and love it as my own. I'd pet its soft alpaca and reassure it that it's actually a great sweater. Those people out there don't know a good thing when it's right in front of them.