Chrome Hearts Files Lawsuit Against Fashion Nova Over Horseshoe Trademarks

Los Angeles-based fashion brand Chrome Hearts has filed a lawsuit against Fashion Nova for allegedly copying its horseshoe-influenced designs.

August 10, 2020
Chrome Hearts
Image via Getty/Koki Nagahama

Los Angeles-based fashion brand Chrome Hearts has filed a lawsuit against Fashion Nova for allegedly copying its horseshoe-influenced designs. The brand has alleged that the online retailer is selling clothing that features designs remarkably close to their own, and it did so knowingly.

In the court documents, which were filed on Thursday (Aug. 6), Chrome Hearts writes that it "has sold over a billion dollars" worth of clothing, all bearing one or more of [its] trademarks, and those same horsehoe designs "have achieved widespread acceptance and recognition amongst the consuming public" across the world. Chrome Hearts has alleged that Fashion Nova launched the products with the intent of confusing customers regarding the origin of the logo. The Fashion Law reports that the designs Fashion Nova has sold and is selling appear to feature elements from three of Chrome Hearts' registered designs, replacing the "Chrome Hearts" font with a similiar Old English font that reads "Love Warrior."

Chrome Hearts added that it "has not granted a license or given [Fashion Nova] any form of permission to use intellectual property belonging to Chrome Hearts, including the Chrome Hearts marks, in any way." Chrome Hearts has asserted that Fashion Nova infringed upon its branding, although the online retailer has yet to respond to these claims. One of the items Fashion Nova sold to allegedly infringe upon the design was a long-sleeve t-shirt, and the brand believes that the product has damaged its own intellectual properties.

This isn't the only lawsuit Chrome Hearts is currently engaged in, as the brand filed a lawsuit against MNML Los Angeles for selling jeans that appear to feature its "most iconic and well recognized trademarks."
