Woman Takes Picture With Some Famous Guy for Instagram Who Turned Out to be Allen Iverson

Further proof that life comes at you fast, a woman took a picture with Allen Iverson but doesn't know who that is.

August 10, 2014
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


We're going to take a page from Desus' book here and say, "Life comes at you fast." A couple of years ago, Allen Iverson couldn't walk into any club without getting noticed by fans and groupies alike. However, nowadays, Iverson has to deal with the harsh reality that he isn't as famous (or maybe, recognizable) as he used to be. But, as someone who is a diehard A.I. fan, this mere moment in history brings a tear to my eye.


Damn. Our soul hurts a little bit at this sight.

[via @H00PINATI]