Another Juror Has Been Dismissed From the Aaron Hernandez Trial

Aaron Hernandez's trial just lost another juror.

February 11, 2015
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


At the beginning of last week, the Aaron Hernandez trial had 18 jurors. Today, just 16 of them remain after the judge in the case decided to dismiss a second juror from the trial on Wednesday.

On February 3, Bristol County Superior Court Judge Susan Garsh dismissed the first juror after the judge discovered that she had "expressed an interest in serving on this particular jury" in the months leading up to the trial. The judge also found out that she had lied about the number of Patriots games that she'd been to in the past on a questionnaire that was given to all jurors. So she dismissed her. And she sent another juror packing early today, albeit for a much different reason.

"That was for reasons that were entirely personal to that juror," she said. "It has nothing to do with this case."

She didn't give any further explanation for the dismissal. But the loss of another juror shouldn't affect the trial at all. The jury that will ultimately decide Hernandez's fate will be made up of 12 of the people who are currently sitting in on the case.

Stay tuned for further developments.

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[via ESPN Boston]