Kobe Bryant: Anthony Davis "Can Be One of the Greatest Power Forwards Who Has Ever Played"

High praise from Kobe.

Image via USA TODAY Sports/Derick E. Hingle

The Pelicans are only six games into their 2014-15 NBA season. But so far, Anthony Davis—who landed really high on a lot of preseason rankings—has been every bit as good as advertised. He's currently averaging 24.8 points, 13.0 rebounds, and 4.2 blocks per game. And apparently, he's been so good that Kobe Bryant already thinks he could end up being one of the best power forwards in NBA history.

Even though Kobe and the Lakers played the Grizzlies and not New Orleans last night, someone took the time to ask the Black Mamba about Davis' strong start to the season after the game. And Kobe called him "an athletic Pau Gasol" before heaping a ton of praise on him:


Kobe on AD: "He's an athletic Pau Gasol. That's the best way I can put it. He can be one of the greatest power forwards who has ever played"

— Bill Oram (@billoram) November 12, 2014

At this point, it's a little bit too early to be having G.O.A.T. conversations as it pertains to Davis. But AD is only 21 and he certainly looks like a guy who's going to be dominating the league for a long, long, long time. So players like Kobe (and Metta World Peace!) are already starting to take notice.


[via Bleacher Report]

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