15 of the World's Worst Parking Fails, in GIFs

Why are people such idiots on the road?

March 22, 2013
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Parking is a menacing aspect of driving. Not necessarily because you're a horrible driver, but more so because it seems that everybody else on the planet has no concept of space. People seem to interpret the word bumper a little too literally, using this as a reminder to stop. And then there are the people that don't even stop. They just go right on through the car, window, or metal gate that lies in front of them. Any way you look at it, these people are just stupid. That's the only way to put it. Make sure you're not one of the people we're making fun of in our gallery of 15 of the World's Worst Parking Fails, nicely presented in GIF form.

Related: Gallery: 30 Horrible Park Jobs

Related: The Emotions of Driving, in GIFs

Parking is a menacing aspect of driving. Not necessarily because you're a horrible driver, but more so because it seems that everybody else on the planet has no concept of space. People seem to interpret the word bumper a little too literally, using this as a reminder to stop. And then there are the people that don't even stop. They just go right on through the car, window, or metal gate that lies in front of them. Any way you look at it, these people are just stupid. That's the only way to put it. Make sure you're not one of the people we're making fun of in our gallery of 15 of the World's Worst Parking Fails, nicely presented in GIF form.

Related: Gallery: 30 Horrible Park Jobs

Related: The Emotions of Driving, in GIFs

Fail 15

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All that space. All that room. Plenty to pick from. The driver could have run into a fence. Maybe a piece of concrete. Could have even chose that lovely open field across the way. But no. It had to be the beautiful Subaru. Like we needed another reason to hate minivans.

Fail 14

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It's a good thing this driver's friend was there to be a buffer. She almost hit two cars!

Fail 13

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No, this driver wasn't actually trying to park, so it wasn't a "parking fail," exactly. However, he or she obviously failed in some fashion, and ended up finding a pretty nice parking spot. Failing + parking lot = parking fail.

Fail 12

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Fail 11

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We can't tell if the dude who was driving behind got out that quickly to fight him or to help him. We'll keep some faith in humanity and believe it was to help.

Fail 10

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It's almost as if the car were trying to say, "Excuse me, I have a question? Why are you such a stupid driver? You don't know? Oh, okay, here, let me show you. HOW's IT TASTE?!

Fail 9

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For a little context, in a scene all too familiar to Seinfeld, the Suzuki swiped in nose-first to his spot. Instead of settling for defeat, the Peugeot decides to block the guy's door in by squeezing in the remaining space left. So, how does the Peugeot driver get out? Through the retractable roof, of course.

Fail 8

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You're taking this long, and that's seriously the best you can do? This was like your fifteenth attempt, and you still couldn't get a sense of the massive space you had. You might as well just intentionally drive right up on the walking path.

Fail 7

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Uhaul would save a lot of people money and trouble, if they installed rear-view cameras on all of their trucks.

Fail 6

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So, about that parking brake ... We also appreciate this guy's ambition to try to stop the car like the hulk.

Fail 5

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It appears this guy mistook the sidewalk for a roundabout. At least the windshield wipers are still in top form.

Fail 4

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Annnnnnnnnndddddd sticks the landing!

Fail 3

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No joke, this went on for about 20 minutes. Isn't it supposed to make it easy, when you're in a tiny car like that?

Fail 2

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Something tells us this guy wasn't just trying to get a slushie.

Fail 1

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Maybe she had been watching the X Games too much and really wanted to try to do a wall ride. Or maybe she's just a freakin' awful driver who doesn't deserve to have a car.