The Best 'Stranger Things' Conspiracy Theories

Stranger Things is one Netflix’s biggest hits. With popularity comes fan theories galore, and Stranger Things is no different. The show inspired countless of conspiracy theories by fans that vary from the entire series being a fantasy by Eleven to Barb still being alive. Here are the best Stranger Things conspiracies.

March 30, 2018
stranger things lead 1

Image via Getty/Astrid Stawiarz

Stranger Things became a sci-fi phenomenon when it debuted on Netflix in 2016. Fans immediately fell in love with the series’ nerdy pre-teen protagonists, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin and their friendship with telekinesis-powered Eleven. Together, they went on a mission to save their friend, Will, from a terrifyingly creepy alternate dimension known as the Upside Down (and to save Barb, but more on that later).

Between Mike’s nobility, Lucas’ instincts, Dustin’s adorable grin, and Eleven’s fierce and naive nature, it wasn’t hard for the show to become a fan favorite. But as with any TV craze, the show’s popularity goes beyond what fans already know, and has sparked a number of conspiracy theories about the characters, the setting, and the plot of the show.

Like other sci-fi series, the show inspires fans to create theories and speculate on what’s to come next for the series’ next season. As mentioned earlier, Barb was the first victim (that we know of) to be taken into the Upside Down in Hawkins. While Mike’s sister, Nancy, saw her decomposing body in the wasteland, fans are still holding out hope that Barb is still alive—even if she’s become the villain.

Just like Will’s mom, Joyce, who was one of the few adults to believe in the impossible (which led to the epic scene with Christmas lights), we’re all for delving into conspiracy theories. If you want to dig into your suspicious side, grab your tin hat and get set. Here are the best Stranger Things conspiracy theories. They may sound far-fetched, stranger things have happened.

1. Eleven Has The Force

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Image via Getty/Frazer Harrison

It’s no secret that Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin are fans of Star Wars. But what if the two are more similar than they think? The magnificent four could be in the same universe as the epic films, meaning Star Wars—after all, Eleven’s powers are fairly similar to The Force.

2. It’s All Dungeons & Dragons

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Image via Getty/Bennett Raglin

The kids are actually still caught up in a really long Dungeons & Dragons game. In the first episode, Mike begs his mom to let them finish their campaign. What if she actually let them continue, and the rest of the series is them playing out the game? This could be why the four always use the game’s terminology when referring to creatures like the Demogorgon or the Mind Flayer.

3. The Demogorgon Is The Hero

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Image via Getty/Kevin Winter

What if the Demogorgon is really trying to save the town from becoming the wasteland that the Upside Down became? In the second season, he appears after a pumpkin patch gets destroyed. It’s assumed that the monster caused it, but what if that’s what sparked his return instead? It wouldn’t be the first time a villain has been misunderstood.

4. Stuck In The ‘80s

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Image via Getty/David Crotty

While the rest of the world has continued on, what if the city of Hawkins is actually stuck in time in the 1980s? With the technology of today, it would be much easier to shut the Demogorgon down. So, instead of dealing with pesky devices like cell phones, the Demogorgon placed the city of Hawkins in a town where technology is less likely to get in his way. It would explain all those errors that slipped through.

5. Eleven Created The Upside Down

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Image via Getty/Noel Vasquez

Eleven created the Upside Down. As one Reddit user pointed out, the gifted youngster has shown the ability to create and close gates to the alternate dimension. Perhaps she created it out of her anger in the laboratory.

6. Eleven Is Controlling The Demogorgon

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Image via Getty/Rich Fury

In season two, viewers are introduced to Kali, who was held in the laboratory with Eleven. Kali holds the power to make others believe what she wants them to see. What if Eleven has the same powers but has yet to realize it? That could mean that the “monsters” plaguing the town are actually Eleven herself—this would be messed up, but Eleven’s time in the lab did leave her with psychological issues.

7. Barb Is The Enemy

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Image via Getty/Amanda Edwards

In season one, fans were devastated when Nancy’s best friend, Barb, died. But what's possible that instead of dying in the Upside Down, Barb’s decomposed body became one with the monster, and now she’s looking for vengeance? This could be the reason why the monster looks over the school during the Snow Ball at the end of season two. Just like Will, she may be keeping a small part of herself alive within the monster. #JusticeForBarb

8. Mr. Clarke: The Spy

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Image via Getty/Bobby Bank

The boys’ science teacher, Mr. Clarke, is a spy for the government. In season one, we see him deliver a pricey Heathkit radio to the kids. He’s also earned their trust over the years and knows a lot about science. It’s possible that he was placed in Hawkins to surveil the kids.

9. Stephen King’s ‘Stranger Things’

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Image via Getty/Steve Granitz

Stranger Things is actually a part of Stephen King’s multiverse. The Demo-gorgs are an awful lot like the creatures in King’s horror sci-fi film The Langoliers. Even Bob spoke about a clown who scared him when he was younger who he eventually was able to ward off. (It, anyone?) As one Reddit user noted, this would be a great surprise move for Netflix.

10. ‘Stranger Things’ Meets ‘Buffy’

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Image via Getty/Mary Clavering

Stranger Things shares the same universe as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sunnydale High School stood on top of the Hellmouth, which unleashed all kinds of dangers on the town, and it seems that Hawkins is in a similar position. It’s possible that the small Indiana town is also on top of a hellmouth—AKA the Upside Down.

11. From PI To Russian Spy

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Image via Getty/Corey Nickols

Private Investigator, Murray Bauman, is actually a Russian spy. In the series, Bauman asserts that Eleven is a Russian spy and says there are more. But this could be him deflecting onto others so the attention doesn’t fall on him. As one Reddit user pointed out, not only does he drink Russian vodka, he’s also the only one who brings up Russians as a possible enemy in the series. It’s classic deflection. Plus, he gets great satisfaction of shutting the laboratory down, has proved to be a good observer, and can plan ways to influence the media into believing his stories. Sounds like spy material through and through.

12. Sara Is Alive

stranger things sara is alive
Image via Getty/David Livingston

Hopper’s daughter is one of the children who were experimented on, so says a Reddit user. While they argue that the scientist’s experiments gave her cancer, we have a different theory. While Eleven’s mom was told that her daughter died during birth, it’s obviously not true since Eleven is alive and well. The same could be true for Hopper who was told that his daughter, Sara, died of cancer. We know it’s not beneath the scientists to produce a faux dead body either as they did with Will when he was stuck in the Upside Down.

13. Eleven’s Dad

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Image via Getty/David Livingston

Viewers got to meet Eleven’s mama in season two, but who is Eleven’s dad? One Reddit user noted that her father could be “001,” the first experiment in the lab. There’s also the possibility that the hero’s dad is leading a resistance somewhere to end the experiments once and for all.

14. Fake Friends

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Image via Getty/Netflix

As we’ve stated before, Kali has the power to make others see what she wants them to see. So what if her friends are all made- p to gain Eleven’s trust, and she has some sort of ulterior motive? The made-up crew could also be a buffer zone for her for intruders before they get to her.

15. Eleven Is Still In The Lab

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Image via Getty/Roy Rochlin

Finally, the darkest theory of the bunch: what if Eleven never escaped the lab, and instead the entire series is just a figment of her imagination? With all that time in solitary confinement, it wouldn’t be unlikely for her to start imagining a heroic tale.