Celebrities Talk #MeToo and #TimesUp Movements at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards

This year’s Golden Globes showed celebrities in solidarity for the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements.

January 8, 2018
This is a photo of Natalie Portman.
Image via Getty/Christopher Polk/NBC

The 75th Golden Globe Awards weren't just about the best TV shows and films of the year. During this year's award ceremony, celebrities got in formation to protest sexual abuse in Hollywood by wearing all black and declaring "time's up" to sexual misconduct in the industry.

And naturally, their movement was the talk of the red carpet as well as actresses like Viola Davis, America Ferrera and Natalie Portman spoke on the issue at hand.

"There's no prerequisite to worthiness," said Davis ahead of the coveted event. "You're born being worthy and I think that's a message that a lot of women need to hear. The women who are still in silence because of trauma, because of shame, due to assault, they need to understand it's not their fault."

"Such a beautiful night and it's so incredible to look around and see everyone in solidarity ready to really address the issues that exist in our industry and across all industries that it's our job right now," said America Ferrera. "The time is now for us to do the work that will make women and all people more safe and more equal in their workplaces and in their lives."

Natalie Portman, who was standing next to the actress, also spoke on the movement and why it's come about now. "I think we’ve realized the scope of what we’ve lost, the creative contributions of people who’ve been pushed out of the industry," she said before citing actresses, Mira Sorvino and Ashley Judd, as examples. “When we think about other industries and the women who’ve been pushed out of there and the contributions we have lost and also the pain that they’ve been through because of that, the time to change is now and time’s up."

Will & Grace's Debra Messing also shared some choice words for E! on equal pay, since the company is facing backlash for allegedly paying their female co-hosts less than the male co-hosts. "I’m wearing black to stand in solidarity with my sisters all over the globe, and I’m wearing black to celebrate the rollout of this incredible initiative, Time’s Up," she said. "We want equal pay, and I was so shocked to hear that E! doesn’t believe in paying their female co-hosts the same as male co-hosts. I mean, I miss Catt Sadler, so we stand with her, and that’s something that can change tomorrow. We want people to start having the conversations that women are just as valuable as men."

Other celebs went to Twitter to share their support.

Seth Meyers, who hosted the awards for the first time, naturally kicked off the night by addressing the movement as well. "It’s 2018, marijuana is finally allowed and sexual harassment finally isn’t," he said. "It’s going to be a good year."

The first-time host also took the time to throw shots at Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, who are both accused of sexual abuse. "Harvey Weinstein isn’t here tonight because, well, I heard rumors that he’s crazy and difficult to work with,” said Meyers. "Don’t worry, he’ll back in 20 years. He’ll be the first person to ever boo during the In Memoriam."

As for Spacey, Meyers suggested that Christopher Plummer replace Spacey in House of Cards, as Plummer did the same in All the Money in the World. "I hope [Plummer] can do a Southern accent, because Kevin Spacey sure couldn’t," quipped Seyers.

#TimesUp also made its way into several speeches too.


But the consensus for the greatest speech of the night goes to Oprah Winfrey (no surprise there) who was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille award.

"Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have," said Winfrey. "I am especially proud of all of the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories. Each of us in this room are celebrated because of the stories we tell and this year, we became the story."