Watch Larry David and Bernie Sanders' Very On-Brand Reactions to Finding Out They're Related

Larry David totally un-curbs his enthusiasm when finding out he's related to Bernie Sanders.

October 4, 2017
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Hopefully, the just-launched ninth season of popular social niceties guidebook Curb Your Enthusiasm will include a pop-in or three from Sen. Bernie Sanders. After six excruciatingly long years off the air, that would be the least creator and star Larry David could do to make it up to us. Until then, we will have to settle for footage of Sanders and David being flabbergasted to learn they are related to each other.

On the latest episode of the PBS series Finding Your Roots, Sanders and David—during separate sit-downs with host Henry Louis Gates Jr.—were given the surprising news. "If you have long identical stretches, that means you're cousins," Gates explained to David, noting that he compared his DNA with every other guest he's had on the show. "I hope it's a good athlete," David joked.

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Both were shocked to learn they are actually distant cousins. "What the hell?" David said while hopefully pondering a way to work this into a future Curb episode. "Oh, that's so funny. That is really funny. That is amazing. Alright, Cousin Bernie."

Sanders, meanwhile, seemed to initially think the big reveal was a joke. "You're kidding," he said. "Oh my God. That is unbelievable. Is this true? People say to me, you know, they talk about Larry David, and I say he does a better Bernie Sanders than I do." Fair point:

David previously spilled all possible beans regarding the Finding Your Roots reveal during a Television Critics Association event back in July. David, noting that he had been told to keep the episode's revelation under wraps, told reporters at the time that he was happy to learn of their distant connection. "I love Bernie," he said.

Curb Your Enthusiasm drops another new episode this Sunday on HBO. Only greatness is expected.
