Malaysian Man Sentenced to 100 Tweets

In a defamation case, a court figured the punishment fit the crime.

June 2, 2011

Fahmi Fadzil, a Malaysian man described as a social activist, was found guilty of defamation by a court earlier this year after he tweeted that the publishing company Blu Inc Media, where his pregnant friend worked, was treating her poorly. Fadzil had already tweeted an apology, but the company took him to court anyway. His sentence? 100 tweets clearing Blu Inc's name declaring a mea culpa before his followers.

Currently, Fadzil is currently about 24 tweets into the sentence (which must be completed within two days) but he doesn't appear to be sweating it. In fact, he seems to be drawing out the sentence as long as possible in order to soak up the media coverage and gin up a few hundred new followers.

When life gives you lemons.
