Woman Seeks Millions After Being Attacked By Dog at NYC Shake Shack


January 1, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

A woman is suing an Upper East Side's Shake Shack for $2 million after being attacked by a dog there. Last week, Cindy Cirlin filed a lawsuit with the Manhattan Supreme Court against Danny Meyer's chain, claiming that she was injured when a dog that was "attached" to a restaurant chair knocked her down at the 86th and Lexington location.

Rather than direct her ire at the dog owner, Cirlin has her cannon aimed at the restaurant for its poorly-planned dog policy. The lawsuit claims that Shake Shack "was negligent in its failure to protect [Cirlin] from the anticipated dangers of allowing dogs to be attached by leashes to its flimsy and unanchored chairs."

[via Gothamist]