New York City Bans Electronic Cigarettes Where Regular Cigarettes Are Banned

At midday, it became illegal to use e-cigarettes anywhere in New York City where you can't smoke regular cigarettes.

April 29, 2014
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

As of noon today, it's illegal to puff an e-cigarette anywhere where regular cigarettes are banned in New York City. As Gothamist reports, Albany officials want to make this a statewide ban.

According to the bill, this new push is the result of what lawmakers feels is a lack of regulation by the FDA, as secondhand smoke is still polluting the lives of non-smokers:


Business owners will most likely be tasked with the duty of displaying signage about the new rule in the coming months. Vaping just got a lot more complicated in NYC.

[via Gothamist]

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