Chet Hanks Looks Back on Being a 'Cokehead' and Feeling Himself 'Wither Away'

The son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson spoke about his raging drug binges on Bradley Martyn's 'Raw Talk.'

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Chet Hanks did so much cocaine at one time in his life that it shocked some of his peers who frequently used the substance.

The 33-year-old actor and social media personality, who's the son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, appeared on Bradley Martyn's Raw Talk podcast recently, where he spoke about his former substance use issues. It started with cannabis and alcohol Hanks was a teenager, and around the 48-minute mark of the video above, he explained that the coke use began because he was "making up for lost time." At age 17, Hanks was sent to a wilderness camp in Utah due to addiction and behavioral issues.

"I was away for like over a year, over a year and a half," Hanks told Martyn. "I never went back to my high school, never saw my friends again, they all graduated without me."

Following the wilderness program, Hanks went to a secondary program, but vowed to "hit the ground running" as soon as it was over. "It didn't make me want to be a good boy it, it made me want to, you know, like get my lick back," he said.

Hanks added that his worst drug problem was cocaine and that he was a "fucking cokehead."

"Not anymore, but that's my drug of choice. Cocaine, bro, like Tony Montana, dude," Hanks said, referencing the Scarface character.

Hanks was going so hard among avid cocaine users that they'd tell him to "chill."

"'Give it like 15 minutes," Hanks said, recounting what the other cokeheads would tell him.

Martyn replied, "It's really hard on your body and your heart and everything."

Chet agreed, saying, "Your soul, bro. It's terrible. You just wither away, 'cause you can't eat, you can't sleep. It's terrible."

Hanks, who has an 8-year-old daughter, Michaiah, has been upfront about his drug dependence issues before, revealing in 2015 on Instagram that he'd gone to rehab, per Entertainment Tonight.

"There's nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I'm just giving y'all the raw realness to let y'all know that this shit here really is not a game. It's life or death," he wrote in a caption on one of his videos.

"A couple months ago I was selling coke, doing coke until I couldn't even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged," he said in a video at the time. "I even smoked crack. If I can change, you can change. There is a solution."

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