iPad 2 Specs Leak: Thinner, Lighter, Faster

The "Wall Street Journal" says Apple's next tablet is better all around.

February 9, 2011

As of now, all we really know about Apple's next tablet is that it's going to be a rectangle, run iOS, and have an Apple logo in the back. Everything else is pure rumor. But for the first time we may actually have some hard details about the iPad 2.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the next iPad is currently in production and will be thinner, lighter, and faster than the current model. It will have a faster processor, more memory, and a more powerful graphics processor, people familiar with the situation told WSJ. They also said it will sport a front-facing camera so users can video conference. Unfortunately, there was no mention of the iPhone 4's Retina Display making it to the iPad, the sources claim the iPad 2 will have a screen resolution similar to the current model.

So, there ya go. Faster, lighter, and thinner with a camera in the front. Sound believable? Doesn't completely match up with our wish list, but it sounds great to us.

[Huffington Post via WSJ]