Swipe Carefully: Tinder-Related Crimes Have Increased by 700% in Two Years

Be careful who you hook up with.

January 11, 2016
Image via Tinder

Remember back in the day, when internet dating was first a thing? It was only used by weirdos and middle aged divorcees, and everyone just presumed that anyone who wanted to meat you was probably a serial killer? Fast forward to 2016 and it ain’t no thing to hook up with someone you’ve barely shared three sentences with on an app.

But maybe we need to get some of our early-00s cynicism back. Crimes related to apps like Tinder and Grindr have increased seven-fold in the last two years. Police say that over 400 offences were reported, including rape, child sex grooming and attempted murder, with fears that many more are going unreported. In 2013, England and Police had 55 reported crimes that mentioned Tinder or Grindr. This grew to 204 in 2014, and 412 in January to October 2015. ‘Sextortion’ is reported to be common problem, especially on Grindr.

“I would urge those who use online dating apps to be as security conscious as possible and not to share personal data with anyone until they are sure about those they are communicating with.” Said Andy Cooke, deputy chief constable of Merseyside Police national police lead on violence and public protection. “Similarly, individuals should stop all communication with anyone who attempts to pressurise them into something they are not comfortable with.”

[via The Telegraph]