Want to Buy Every Single Original Nintendo Game? This Guy is Selling All of Them

A guy is selling his collection of every single NES game ever released for the bargain prie of $25,000

November 27, 2014

Image via n8duke.com


When you were a kid, you wanted every single video game available, right? But you were always just stuck with whatever you got for Christmas or birthdays.

Well now, if you happen to have a spare $25,000 (£15,900) knocking around, you can pick up every single original Nintendo game ever released in one fell swoop, and make all your childhood dreams come true.

Hardcore Nintendo collector Nate Duke is selling the entire lot, collected over 25 years. The collection of over 800 NES games includes the classics like Zelda and Mario, as well as lots of rare titles you’ve probably never seen or heard of. These include titles not licensed by Nintendo, such as the notorious Bible Adventures released by religious groups who found Mario too ungodly, an unreleased Robocop vs Terminator game, and the Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 cartridge, made for official University competitions. As well as an NES to play them on, he’s also throwing in a host of weird and wonderful controllers, light guns, dance mats and a neon Nintendo advertising sign. There's even the Miracle Piano, a MIDI keyboard that connects to the console.

The reason for Duke’s purge? “I went through a divorce this year, and I need a change.”

Here's what that many games looks like. He's throwing in the shelves as well.



Image via n8duke.com



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Image via n8duke.com



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Image via n8duke.com