Azealia Banks: "I Don't Want to be a Rapper Anymore"




Image via Presskit

Azealia Banks has quit several things in 2016. She’s quit using a certain derogatory word, she’s quit Twitter (but not forever), she’s quit performing in the UK (against her wishes), and now it seems she may be quitting rap as well.

“I’m honestly tired of rapping, the rap scene and the whole rap-girl persona,” she vented in a note on Facebook. “Considering dropping my last name and just going by ‘Azealia’ and not rap for a while. I’m really tired of being that girl. It’s not me.”

Frustrated with rap, but not with music in general, Banks says she hopes to pursue her real passions: singing and acting.

“Remember, I only started rapping because my acting career wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted it to,” she explained. “Rap has been SUCH [a] diversion for me, and it’s probably the reason I feel so lost and off my path. I’ve done great things with Rap, but only because it pays my bills. I would much rather sing and act and never rap again. I don’t want to be a rapper anymore.”

In a second note, she concluded, “The rapping and rap-girl persona is overshadowing my real dream which is to be a singer.”


