Killer Mike: "15 miles outside of Atlanta, I'm afraid I will be murdered."

Killer Mike is "ashamed to be a part of this country."

July 8, 2016


Killer Mike stopped by Hot 107.9 yesterday following news of the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille at the hands of police officers, using his position to speak at length about these tumultuous times in America. Opening his interview on the Atlanta radio station with heartrending words, Mike said, “I’m angry, I’m hurt, I’m disgusted, I’m ashamed to be a part of this country. It’s just a very, very hard time.”

“I’m just filled with hurt and grief… I know y’all feel the same way… It is time to get angry and do something,” Mike passionately told host Mz Shyneka. “It is time to prevent these abusers and these police that abuse the law. 15 minutes, 15 miles outside of Atlanta, I’m afraid I will be murdered. And I’m tired of living in an environment where this city is the only place in this country I feel safe as a black person. People wonder ‘Why people love Atlanta so much? Why you come? You still poor.’ But we not running around worried that we’re going to be murdered in the street.”

Every single word out of Mike’s mouth has significant weight, and it’s clear that he’s reached a breaking point with the same story surfacing time and time again. Speaking about how people should stop supporting corporations until they step in and address the violence, Mike said, “You can go to your bank tomorrow, and you can say ‘Until you as a corporation start to speak on our behalf, I want all my money’.”

Watch the entirety of the powerful interview above.