8 Artists Using Social Media to Build a Brand

There's no one-size-fits-all strategy for social media, and these artists show some of the unique ways artists can build their brands through online social interactions.

March 6, 2018
Social Media
P&P Original


Social media used to be an afterthought for artists. It was a way to get some extra promotion and connect with fans, but it has evolved into an integral part of any artist's brand. Whether constantly connecting to fans, sharing original content that showcases personality, or using it sparingly to maintain mystique, social media strategy a necessary thing to consider for any artist trying to build a career.

That said, there's no right or wrong. To be successful you don't need to be tweeting every day, doing wild shit on Instagram, or going all out with short films for Facebook. There are different ways to approach it, and today we're taking a look at some artists who have figured out what works for them.

Lil Gnar

Lil Gnar

Strategy: Weed, fire, expensive cars, and flexing

Look, we can't all be Lil Gnar. One of his recurring social media plays is pulling up in a luxury car, jumping out, doing a skate trick, and then shooting a gun. It's not the kind of thing we encourage other aspiring artists to go do, but it's working for Gnar. Before he was known for rapping, Gnar had a successful clothing brand and was into skating, and he uses all of that to boost his status.

Watching through his Instagram feed, you quickly get the picture of a talented, multi-faceted, and wildly charismatic young person. Skating, guns, and weed might not be your things, but you can apply Gnar's approach to your own strategy. What are some things you love? Let it be known, and do it in a way that will make people want to share it, talk about it, and keep an eye on you.

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Frank Ocean

Frank Ocean
Image via Getty/Raymond Hall; Image via Getty/John Shearer

Strategy: Quality over quantity

You don't need to be constantly present to have a good social media game. Frank Ocean rarely shares anything. Seeing a new picture of him is an event for fans, but when he does decide to share something on social media, it's important. It's a strategy only few can really pull off because most people are dumb and shallow, but for Frank, it's perfect. When he spoke on racism, coming out, homophobia, and Prince's death, his words held weight. Instead of cheap hits, he's always eloquent and thoughtful, and everything he shares reaches millions of people because of it.

Frank Ocean

Image via Tumblr


Photography by Scott Dudelson/Getty Images

Strategy: Knowing your audience

Smokepurpp isn't trying to be super deep with the things he's sharing, but he knows when he's got a good photo opp. Like, when he's got big bags of weed, or when he's hanging out with Drake, drinking and smoking with Post Malone, or when he's holding a gun and a puppy at the same time. Purpp's only 20 years old so he's a natural at using the internet effectively, but it's harder than you think to evolve at the rate of the internet. Purpp gets it, and his sense of humor is internet gold.

FKA twigs

FKA twigs Instagram
Image via @fkatwigs on Instagram

Strategy: Art over content

FKA twigs doesn't let the culture of social media oversharing interfere with her own vision as an artist. Her attention to detail is present in everything she does, including the music, the videos, dance, and performances. Social media is no different. You aren't going to catch twigs sharing pointless selfies or pictures of a meal she's eating. Everything is thought-provoking, on-brand, and helps to further communicate the beauty of twigs' aesthetic sensibility.

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Young Thug

Young Thug
Image via Instagram

Strategy: Unpredictability

There's a mystique around Young Thug that can't be mimicked. He's become a larger-than-life figure in rap, because there's only one Young Thug, and he's always himself. If we were trying to tell you how to make your social media like Young Thug's we couldn't even do it. That's part of the magic of Thug—even though he's a star, he doesn't play by the rules or stick to the script. One second he's promoting some merch on Twitter, and the next he's changing his name to SEX. You don't have to change your name to SEX, but if there's one thing to be learned from Thug, it's to never become predictable or boring.

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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish
Photo by David Hwang

Strategy: Style, humor, and human connection

Billie Eilish speaks her mind and doesn't hold back, and that can stir up some controversy but it's also why so many people identify with her. The Los Angeles singer's Twitter account gives a glimpse into her personality, and her Instagram showcases her aesthetic and gives her dedicated fans a glimpse into her life. One takeaway for new artists is to not overthink it. Sometimes, you've just got to speak your mind. It feels good, and there are probably a lot of other people who feel the same way you do. In our Who Is Billie Eilish? video, she explains that a huge part of making music is just giving people an opportunity to relate to her, and social media is one great way to expand on that.

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Yung Bans

Yung Bans
Image via Getty/Scott Dudelson

Strategy: Interaction, positive reinforcement

When you're training a dog, the simplest and most effective strategy is positive reinforcement for positive behavior. If the dog does something you want the dog to do, give it a treat. Fans are not dogs, but when it comes to social media, positive reinforcement is a powerful tool. If fans say something nice about you, give them a treat show them some love. Rising Atlanta rapper Yung Bans has been doing this naturally, and it's made him seemingly one of the most talked about new artists on the internet right now. Like, I bet when we publish this and tweet it, he'll either retweet it, respond to it, or at least give it a like. If you want to start more conversations around yourself and your art, get involved.

Yung Bans tweets

Image via Twitter

DJ Khaled

DJ Khaled
Image via Getty/Marcus Ingram

Strategy: Stay positive, be the best

This one needs no explanation. DJ Khaled is a marketing genius, and he's marketing himself constantly. He's always on, always promoting something, and never breaks character. The more lavish Khaled's life gets, the better his social media accounts get, but he stays humble and likable even when he's showing off everything he owns and everyone he knows. The key is positivity—you won't ever catch Khaled talking shit, getting pissed off, or pushing negativity. We are blessed to have him.