Denzel Curry Is Making a Comic Book About Cyborgs Called 'Black Metal Terrorist'

Curry's love of drawing is finally turning into a comic book of his own.

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Denzel Curry has always been talking about his love of drawing for years, and he's finally turning his interests it into a comic book of his own. Speaking with MTV News, he said, "I'm just working on this comic book shit. That's shit I like to do, just drawing."

"It's called Black Metal Terrorist," he explained. "There are two main characters. One gets fucked up and tossed into the sea, then they rebuild him and he becomes the ultimate half human half cyborg shit. And the other one was born half human and half cyborg."

Asked if the main character will be based on himself, he said no, but explained, "I create characters based around people that I know and people in my life. Just pretty much how [The Boondocks creator] Aaron McGruder does stuff. How he based Huey and Riley off of his life."

Apparently, he's hidden hints about the characters in his tour visuals: "If you came to any of my tours, pay attention to the background, because most of the characters that I created are in that background."

The comic book's release probably won't be coming any time soon, however. He said he'll release his next album, Taboo, before finishing up the project.

"I just want to get the details right and I have someone writing for the dialogue and stuff," he said. "I drew all the stuff and I know what my characters look like. So they don't really have to draw it themselves. I just give them what I drew and they make better versions, because there are other artists that are pretty good in that field—way better than me [...] Taboo's going to come out before that, though. I still have to work out some kinks with the comic book. But it will definitely be there."

Watch the full interview above and continue to see Curry's thoughts on Prodigy, Jay Z, and the Florida rap scene.

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