Poté and Arctic Lake Create Mellow Dance Pop Magic on "Fall"




St. Lucia-born and currently London-based producer Poté synthesizes his many influences on his new EP Over The Water. He describes previously released “Katz“as a “simple yet strong” dance track, and with its tough drums and hypnotic vocal, it definitely seems targeted at the dancefloor.

“Fall,” which we’re premiering today, takes a different approach. There’s still a real swing to the production, but it’s a little mellower and features the vocals of Emma Foster from the band Arctic Lake. In fact, as Poté explains, there is a lot of meaning behind his new track and the new EP:

“‘Fall’ is about the idea of being cursed before birth. The idea that if you’re born gay, black, disabled, poor, trans or even rich in some places, for example, there’s a painful, uncomfortable or even ugly pathway set for you to go through, throughout your life. I’ve often pondered the concept and the effect it can have on someone’s mentality growing up into adulthood. It’s something which I’ve had trouble with during my teenage years, being a foreigner trying to fit into a new culture and the inner struggles that came with that. I thought it’d be an interesting thing to write about, and hopefully open up a dialogue as it can have severe effects on someone’s well-being.”

“The Over The Water EP marks the change in numerous aspects of my life, musically and mentally,” he continues. “It’s about moving on from a period where I felt I was drowning, hence the title Over the Water. I feel like I can breath now, even though I’m only just over the water.”

Listen to “Fall” below. The Over The Water EP is out tomorrow, July 16.

“The artwork is of the amazona versicolor, St. Lucia’s national bird,” Poté tells us. “The bird is flying back from London to St. Lucia, specifically to my homeland Praslin. It’s flying towards a little island just off the beach where I was brought up. It represents my soul going back home, basically me finding myself again. My aim is to move forward from just producing club beats like I was before, and start painting a coherent picture with my sound, with a host of different colors and influences.”


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