Taylor Swift Testifies in Sexual Assault Trial: 'He Latched on to My Bare Ass'

Taylor Swift is suing former DJ Dave Mueller for $1 for allegedly grabbing her butt during a meet-and-greet in 2013.

August 10, 2017

Taylor Swift testified Thursday in the trial for her civil suit against David Mueller, a DJ from Denver who Swift says groped her under her skirt during a meet-and-greet in 2013. This is the first time Swift has taken the stand in the case, despite the fact that it's been ongoing for more than four years.

Swift was clear and concise in her testimony. "He did not touch my rib," Swift said in court, according to TMZ. "He did not touch my hand. He grabbed my bare ass. He stayed latched on to my bare ass... as I moved away from him visibly uncomfortable."

"It was a very shocking thing that I have never dealt with before," the pop star added. "He grabbed my ass underneath my skirt. It was underneath my skirt."

TMZ says Taylor Swift has a sexual assult lawsuit against former DJ, David Mueller. DJ's hand is up her skirt grabbing her ass! #taylorswift pic.twitter.com/oyXxNNDWgW

Mueller denies that he inappropriately touched Swift. However, he appears to have forgotten that meet-and-greet events are, by definition, an opportunity to get a photo with the artist—and there’s pretty damning photographic evidence. TMZunearthed the photo in question, and while it might not prove anything definitively, the photo does show Mueller’s arm in a pretty awkward angle.

The defense claimed Swift’s accusations are false because she continued the meet-and-greet after the alleged assault took place. Mueller’s lawyer claimed she could have taken a break from taking photos with fans, as if that somehow would have changed the situation or made it go away.

For her part, Swift said she continued the meet-and-greet because she did not want to disappoint her fans. To the claim that she should have “taken a break,” Swift fired back, "And your client could have taken a normal photo with me."

The whole case began after Swift accused Mueller of groping her back in 2013. As a result, Mueller lost his job. In 2015, he filed a lawsuit against Swift, seeking to regain his lost wages, which amounted to $150,000 a year; he claimed her statement was the reason he lost his job. In a symbolic act, Swift counter-sued for only $1, hoping the mere act of taking a stand would be “an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts,” as reported in Spin.
