#TBT: This Eminem Interview on Swedish TV From 1999 Is A Must Watch

Vintage Eminem interview footage is too good.

July 2, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Very early in his career, Eminem appeared on Swedish TV in 1999 to talk about his relationship with Dr. Dre, his thoughts on the negative reactions to his lyrics, and why fortunate kids are so thirsty for street credibility. The reason why most of hip-hop embraced Eminem, patron saint of white rappers everywhere, when he arrived on the scene was because of the things said in this interview. He was one of us.

It also helped that Eminem was untouchable on the mic. Just like in basketball, white rappers have to be twice as nice to get people to take them seriously. In the comment section, the uploader explained why "The Way I Am" can be heard at the end of the video, saying that the interviewer intro'd the video by saying she met Em two years ago—the interview aired in 2001. Below are some quotes from Eminem.

On his relationship with Dr. Dre:

"We're friends now...there's a certain bond there, and there's a chemistry...I feel like it kinda resemble him and Snoop back in the day..."

On the response to his lyrics:

"My response is, fuck 'em. They don't know what it's like to grow up poor with a single parent...on welfare all your fucking life...They don't know about those things. They cannot tell me what I should say and shouldn't say because they don't know my life..."

On rich kids wanting to be down:

"Those type of kids, they admire poor people that have nothing to lose. They admire the attitude, they admire everything about them people, and they want to be those people. They wish their life was like that so that they could walk around their buddies, and they could come around their buddies, and pretend that they're hard, and pretend that they got guns, and pretend like they've been through some shit. So I think that's why those kids are buying the album too..."
