The 50 Hottest Video Game Characters

Meet the women who got our consoles on lock.

June 27, 2012
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As much of a controversial image they may have, female video game characters continue rock. From the awkward to the deadly, we still love the fictional girls who never get annoyed by us keeping a gaming controller in our hands. Here's the 50 hottest of the hot.

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50. Princess Peach

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Game: Super Mario Bros.
Year: 1985-present

Peach has star power, but has always a been little prudish for our tastes. All those rescues and just a kiss with a floating heart over your head?! Didn't you know our boy Mario's pipe game will warp your world?

49. Chloe Frazer

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Game: Uncharted: Among Thieves
Year: 2009

Elena Fisher might be the good girl in the Uncharted series, but Chloe Frazer's dangerous bad girl style is just what the doctor ordered for the sequel. Something about that accent just makes us want to drive on the wrong side of the road.

48. Leah

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Game: Diablo III
Year: 2012

Out of respect for old man, Deckard Cain we kept away from Leah but once we found out that she's a screamer--with the power to destroy everything around her--we could no longer contain ourselves. On top of that, Leah will hold you down to the end if you ever happen to be attacked by demons.

47. Princess Daphne

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Game: Dragon's Lair
Year: 1983

Dragon's Lair is an awful, awful game and we're not too keen on playing Captain Save-A-Hoe, but Princess Daphne might be the finest damsel in distress EVAR. Sorry Peach, DIsney-style cel animation wins again.

46. Amber & Crystal Bailey

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Game: Dead Rising 2
Year: 2010

As trash-talking co-hostesses for the in-game pay-per-view game show Terror is Reality, Amber and Crystal are hot twin sisters who serve as nothing more than eye candy and emasculating innuendo. At least until they're revealed to be psychopaths and you have to beat one of them to death before the other kills herself. That's what you call baggage.

45. Blood Elves

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Game: World of Warcraft
Year: 2001

If your friends ever find out about your closet WoW addiction, justify your cause with a bunch of pictures of the Blood Elves. It may be the only thing to save you from a life of ridicule.

44. Alyx Vance

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Game: Half-Life 2
Year: 2004-present

So maybe nothing ever actually happens between her and Gordon Freeman, but she loves tight jeans, her dad is Rober Guillaume from Benson! What makes her even hotter is that she's a hacker. Nerd girls FTW!

43. Jill Valentine

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Game: Resident Evil
Year: 1996-present

It's pretty hard to focus on how hot a girl is when you're running for your life in fear of being eaten by demons, infected people, zombies, and zombie dogs, but Jill Valentine pulls it off with her badass army chick steez. Plus, who doesn't like a girl known for blowing heads off?

42. Meryl Silverburgh

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Game: Metal Gear Solid
Year: 1998-present

Meryl is the boss' niece and Snake still hit it. Talk about a rebel! Just the type of girl we want on our team but lucky for Solid Snake he didn't screw up or it would've been Operation Where's My Testicles.

41. Goddess Etain

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Game: Shaiya
Year: 2007

To be fair, she's actually two beautiful goddesses; one light and one dark. The Yin to the Yang and the favor to the party in our pants

40. Miranda Lawson

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Game: Mass Effect 2
Year: 2010

Miranda Lawson is bad meaning good, but that doesn't change the fact that she's an informant. With that said, all bets are off when it comes to kissing and not telling.

39. Candy Suxxx

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Game: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Year: 2002

Why not Misty from GTA III? Why not Mercedes from Vice City? Why not that crazy Colombian chick from GTA III and San Andreas? Why not anyone from GTA IV?! We'll tell you why. It's because Candy Suxxx is the perfect GTA girl: a redheaded porn star who wears an American flag bikini the whole game. Gratuitous flesh, coutesy of Rockstar. It'd be un-American not to pick her! Commies.

38. Litchi Faye-Ling

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Game: Blazblue
Year: 2001

The hottest doctor in video games is is a toughie that can control a staff using a panda hairpin. According to her story, she's also a firecracker after a few drinks. A rowdy drunk with a medical degree sounds like a keeper!

37. Fran

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Game: Final Fantasy XII
Year: 2006

You can't fool us, Square Enix! We know a Playboy bunny when we see one! Stop ripping off the logo and pretending she's part of a clan of people that just happen to be lapine. Actually, scratch that. Turns out we don't really mind. Because she is hawt.

36. Kaileena

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Game: Prince of Persia
Year: 2004, 2005

Unlike most female unplayable characters, Kaileena isn't some damsel in distress. In Warrior Within she plays the main antagonist-but the Prince warmed her heart and turned her into his ride-or-die chick in The Two Thrones. She's also voiced by Monica Bellucci in her first game, which goes some way toward explaining why she barely wears clothes. We don't care why.

35. Nariko

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Game: Heavenly Sword
Year: 2007

Yes, Heavenly Sword is a blatant rip-off of God of War. But GoW is about a brute on a rampage, and HS is a full game of a chick in a prisoner-Leia outfit spinning around with chain-blade thingy. And that's exactly why we love Nariko: same blood, more bust.

34. Shiki

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Game: Samurai Showdown
Year: 1997

We're not really huge fans of SNK girls, but Shiki is the exception. Swordplay and violence is pretty much standard when it comes to games like this but a busty video game girl with a snake tat going down the back? Talk about an elaborate tramp stamp.

34. Nova Terra

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Game: StarCraft
Year: 1998-present

Say what you will about StarCraft's nerd factor, but Nova is probably a big reason for it. The ghost agent for the Terran Dominion totes a big gun and bigger ponytail, but save the dumb blond jokes, she can read your mind. Nova can sample our brains, but we can't return the favor? Not fair at all.

32. Aya Brea

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Game: Parasite Eve
Year: 1998-2000

There are very few things that are sexier than a woman in uniform. Aya Brea is an NYPD detective, so no uniform, but she has a gun...and a tight black dress that we can't help to think won't do much in the ways of fighting crime. Or battling evil demons. Or taking a shower. Take that, Heavy Rain!

31. Sarah Morrison

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Game: Tabula Rasa
Year: 2008

We're big fans of badass girls who run away from home and have to mature all early and whatnot (read: "learn how to defend themselves"). Sarah Morrison is a Texan who goes from rebellious teen to sexy soldier.

30. Princess Zelda

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Game: The Legend of Zelda
Year: 1986-present

We likes us some Zelda for many reasons, though we really only need two reasons why she's on the list: A) She's one of those pretty princesses that doesn't need help defending herself, and B) if we were Link, we'd have to count the Zelda/Sheik combo from Ocarina of Time as a threesome.

29. Zoe Castillo

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Game: Dreamfall
Year: 2006

Zoe Castillo was in the wrong place at the wrong time when she and a woman she rescued found a stiff at her ex-boyfriend's apartment, leading to their adventures. Sounds like the start of a script of a cheesy 70s pr0n doesn't it?

28. Ada Wong

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Game: Resident Evil 2
Year: 1998-present

Ada Wong is supposed to be a secret agent, but we know any chick that walks around in a red dress and a choker is a straight trifey! Not that that's a problem; the skills needed to be a double agent are the same ones that help someone creep. And with a character based on La Femme Nikita, this trifey will be at enshrined in fanboy canon forever more.

27. Hana & Rain

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Game: Fear Effect
Year: 2001

Hana is a smart, sarcastic, gun-toting assassin who isn't beyond using sex as a weapon to kill her enemies. How could things get better for the audience of this game? about Rain being her bisexual partner? Yeah, let that sink in.

26. I-no

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Game: Guilty Gear XX
Year: 2002

A guitar-wielding witch straight out of the NSFW of Rock of Love might be one of the harder boss battles in the Japanese fighter, but we're up to the challenge. She might fly and be really tough, but we'd still give it to a non-pervy fighting way. But probably also the other way too.

25. Trip

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Game: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Year: 2010

If 150 years from now a global war eradicates most of the human race and we're stuck with killer robots, you can bet your ass we'd like to be stuck with Trip. Sure it would involve having to save a girl, but maybe, just maybe, she won't be one of those "not if you were the last guy on earth" girls.

24. Samus Aran

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Game: Metroid
Year: 1986-present

While n00bs might not even know Samus is female since she was covered up throughout the whole series, the fact remains that she is, and she's spectacular enough to inspire women the world over to dress up like her. The demureness of space hardwear aside, things got really real when Zero-Suit Samus made her Super Smash Bros. Brawl appearance in a skin-tight blue outfit and a gun-whip S&M dream weapon.

23. Trish

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Game: Devil May Cry
Year: 2001-present

We've met very few woman who upon introduction have electrocuted us (without us arranging for it in advance) and was charming enough for us to still lust after. Still, this freelance devil-hunter (no health benefits, but plenty of freedom) will always have a spot in our pants hearts, and with her appearance in the upcoming Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, we're bound to see a lot more of her.

22. Felicia

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Game: Darkstalkers
Year: 1994-present

We know she's a catwoman, but we can explain...well, we can try. Since she's half-human and half-cat, it's not technically bestiality, right? Besides, it's probably safer then getting with a mermaid. Red tide, you know.

21. Aeris Gainsborough

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Game: Final Fantasy VII
Year: 1997

Aeris might be, y'know, dead (spoiler alert!), but she'll always have our hearts. She was one of the original video game wifeys and showed us that as emo as Cloud Strife was, he would go straight ham if you killed his loved ones. Don't front, you shedded a tear or two as well.

20. Yuna

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Game: Final Fantasy X
Year: 2003

Yuna doesn't look overtly sexual but you know, it's always the quiet ones you should look out for. The graceful demeanor can only mean one thing, inside is a wild, bad girl just waiting to summon some type of beast of horniness on the poor sap of her choosing.

19. Bayonetta

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Game: Bayonetta
Year: 2010

Bayonetta is to Devil May Cry what Heavenly Sword is to God of War: a huge rip-off. Demons, killing things, yada yada. Let's just be clear on one thing: If you take guns, a tight open-back leather jumpsuit, high heels, and wrap it all (tightly) around a hot girl, we'll enjoy it very much. Plus the glasses. Ohhh, the glasses. Eva Angelina, we're looking at you for the movie version!

18. Mai Shiranui

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Game: Fatal Fury 2
Year: 1992

Granddaughter of Hanzo Shiranui, master of ninjitsu and koppo-ken, Mai has a lot to uphold for the sake of her family name. She fights for it, and typically wins. We're all for holding down your family by keeping tradition and honor alive, but does it still count if your ass (which has two fluffy balls hanging from it) and the bouncing twins are on display at all times?

17. Rayne

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Game: Bloodrayne
Year: 2002

You know the drill: good-looking girl, terrible back story. Rayne's entire family was killed by her vampire father who raped her mom and left Rayne to fend for herself. Talk about daddy issues. The result is a vampire-killing half-vamp who disregards any real sense of clothing and has serious daddy issues. Why do we always like the crazies?

16. Joanna Dark

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Game: Perfect Dark
Year: 2000-present

Joanna Dark is the perfect secret agent: a total badass with a smart mouth. The good gentlemen at Rare definitely beefed her up in the gameplay department, but we're guessing a significant segment of her fanbase was generated by her looks. The only thing that skeeves us out is that the game is set in the future and her character was born on March 18, 2000. Meaning she'd be ten years old today. Yeah, go ahead and feel gross, you paradoxical pedo.

15. Alicia

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Game: Bullet Witch
Year: 2007

Alicia Claus (Merry Christmas, she wears tight leather!) is the smoking heroine of Bullet Witch in which she goes on the hunt for demons. Yes, she's hot. Yes, she's a witch. Yes, she's been featured in Playboy, but the most important thing here is that her weapon is a long gun named "The Gunrod". Hahahaha, ROD.

14. Tala

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Game: Darkwatch
Year: 2005

Tala is voiced by Rose McGowan, so you know she had to be extremely hot. Hot enough to make it into Playboy's "Women of VIdeo Games" issue in 2006. Her best moment in the game? Persuading the protagonist, a vampire, to bite her during sex. True Blood ain't got shit on her!

13. Juliet Starling

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Game: Lollipop Chainsaw
Year: 2011

What kind of psycho, passive-aggressive she-nut runs around wielding a chainsaw with a heart on it while sucking lollipops in a cheerleading outfit? Well, it's the latest zombie killer that has captured our hearts. Being that she was willing to saw her boyfriend's head off and cast a spell on him to keep him from turning into a walking corpse shows that she's all the way down for her dude. Even if she has a few quirks.

12. Christie Monteiro

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Game: Tekken 4
Year: 2001

The Brazilian bombshell doesnt look much like a fighter. Christie looks more like the type of girl you could bring home to mom. When you witness how sick she is with the fighting skills though, you'll be more so wanting to cry uncle. Double K.O.!

11. Rachel

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Game: Ninja Gaiden
Year: 2004

A fiend hunter who is afflicted with a blood curse that turns humans into fiends, Rachel (and her very tight and very skimpy leather outfit) finds Ryu and helps him kicks ass. Ride or Die chick? Yes. Wifey? Not if you're scared of enormous breasts, but otherwise, we're gonna go with yuuuuuuuup.

10. The D.O.A. Girls

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Game: Dead or Alive
Year: 1993-Present

The DOA series might have fallen on hard times lately, but back in its heyday it was the one thing every perv had in common. DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball erased all character rivlaries, instead sticking them in ridiculously small bikinis and squeezing every last bouncing pixel out of jiggle physics. And we, for one, were aroused. No, outraged. We were outraged. Stupid Freudian slips.

9. Sheva Alomar

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Game: Resident Evil 5
Year: 2009

We always thought RE5 was fun, but just not scary enough. Maybe it was trade-off: the fear factor goes down and the hot (like, Africa hot) factor goes up. With all the costume/ weapon changes in the game, we have to ask: is there anything hotter than a girl wearing almost nothing and shooting arrows? Demerits for colonialist subtext, but Sheva our timbers!

8. Mileena

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Game: Mortal Kombat II
Year: 1992-present

Mileena is what some guys would call a paper bagger. Her body is crazy but the face doesn't really work for us. Who's to say though some of you might just be into the razor sharp monster teeth thing.

7. Anna Williams

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Game: Tekken
Year: 1995-present

Anna Williams is a bodyguard for hire, but someone needs to guard us from hers. The fact is every time she pops up on the screen, we all turn into mouth-breathing Neanderthals.

6. Sophitia

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Game: Soul Edge
Year: 1996-present

The Soulcalibur series is known more for awesome fighting gameplay and great unlockable characters than catering to gamers' basic instincts, but you'd have to be Helen Keller not to notice Sophitia. The Greek hottie is essentially a female Leonidas, by which we mean a gladiator with massive cleavage. We'd take watching her over Kurt Russell any day.

5. Chun-Li

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Game: Street Fighter II
Year: 1991-present

Ah, Chun-Li, you never get old. The Chinese secret agent could fool anyone with her stunningly good looks and a weird blue dress x leggings combo. Though we'd never suggest staring at the legs too long. Besides the fact that they're monstrously large in Street Fighter IV, they also move at lighting speed.

4. Cammy

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Game: Super Street Fighter II
Year: 1993-present

We love Chun-Li, but Cammy is baaaaad. Who needs a full camouflage outfit when you have body paint and a green, thongy leotard? The late Whitney Houston once said in an interview that crack was wack but not in this case.

3. Morrigan Aensland

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Game: Darkstalkers
Year: 1994-present

One of Capcom's G.O.A.T. female fighters, Morrigan is a blatant succubus (easy, it's not what it sounds like). That's cool, it's been working on fans for years and it'll go on forever. Sure, she's got giant bat wings on her head and back, but the twos are ridiculous and if Adrien Brody can get down with a spliced monster, why can't we get it crackin' with a demon?

2. Tifa Lockheart

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Game: Final Fantasy VII
Year: 1997

Cloud Strife is a moron. Sorry, fanboys, but there's no way in hell you could expect us to believe for a second that he (or anyone with half a functioning brain) would chose Aeris over Tifa. Tifa has got it all. From her martial arts to a frame that's bonkers, she's got the whole package.

1. Lara Croft

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Game: Tomb Raider
Year: 1996-present

What Michael Jordan is to the court. Lara Croft is to video game females: the dominant game-changer. English accent, bad-ass attitude, skimpy outfits, and now with the new reboot coming we can expect a dirtier, grittier vixen than we originally fell in love with.