WWE Wrestler Darren Young Shares Embarrassing Story About Sharting in the Ring

WWE wrestler Darren Young reveals that he once sharted in the middle of a match.

May 26, 2016
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Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

A lot of unscripted things can happen to you inside of a wrestling ring, but the true sign of a professional is the ability to carry on with a show regardless of what goes down. For example, you could break your neck. Or you could sh*t yourself. Either way, the show must go on.

The latter happened to the WWE's Darren Young during a televised match against the Wyatts. During a recent interview with TMZ Sports, he talked about the experience after he was asked to reveal the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to him during his wrestling career. "One of the Wyatt boys slammed me so hard that I sharted my pants," he said, before stating the obvious. "I was so embarrassed. I never wore those tights again.”

When he was then asked if what took place was common within the sport, Young said he didn't know. Keep that in mind the next time you sit down to watch wrestling.

TMZ Sports also took things a step further and appears to have found the match where Young's embarrassing moment took place. Watch here, if you dare:

Unfortunately (or maybe, fortunately?), you can't see anything in the video. Young's trunks stay baby blue throughout the footage. If it was visible, as he implied, it must have only been so backstage. But we'll still take his word for it and admit that this must have been a pretty traumatic experience for everyone involved. We should point out, though, that it could have been much, much worse for him. Consider yourself lucky, dude.

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