The Thirstiest Skylar Diggins Instagram Comments

Fans are unapologetic when it comes to admiring Skylar Diggins' looks on her Instagram page.

August 4, 2014
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Complex Original

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Picture this: You're walking down the sidewalk and you see two things in front of you. On your left, you see some men in their early 20s on a stoop just talking about nothing. On your right, a curvy, babyfaced woman walks in front of them and toward you. She passes you a few seconds before you walk by the stoop boys. You finally hear their nonsense when the woman is out of earshot:

Person A: Damn bruh. She's looking right.

Person B: I'm mad I ain't say anything when she passed 'cause she caught me off guard. She would've got the work.

Person A: Son. I would've OD'd if I had the chance.

Person B: WORD?! (Offers a pound, which Person A giddily accepts)

At this point, you're thinking, "Is he really congratulating him for hypothetically having sex with somebody?"

Some folks have more hormones than they know what to do with. Social media is sort of like the above situation, but it's all out there on the Internet for others to join in on the figurative stoop talk. People are thirsty and unembarrassed — regardless of gender. Peep Drake's Instagram comments if you need an example.

Skylar Diggins' Instagram account is another example. People can't remember her WNBA stats off the top of their heads, but that's OK because she is foine. Her looks apparently give people the license to show their thirst and occasionally be disrespectful on her page. Need proof? Here are The Thirstiest Skylar Diggins Instagram Comments.

2.Is His Girlfriend MVP?

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Thirst Offender: sgt_whatshisname

Nothing like inspiring a break-up like by simply teaching children.

3.Lost/Creep FIles

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Thirst Offender: bguerrax

Butt-eating can't be your only hustle.

4.Bend Over

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Thirst Offender: _poopsy_

Let's relax a bit.

5.Child Support

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Thirst Offender: buckley11d

“I'll pay monthly fees until my child is 18 years old because your body looks that good.”

6.Foot Fetish

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Thirst Offender: gimmethemtoes

Seek help.

7.Too Good To Be Careful

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Thirst Offender: sweeneygotem

Aaanndd you wouldn't get the opportunity to do so.

8.Can I Dig In? Part II

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Thirst Offender: ag.getmoney

The thing is: Drake will probably come closer than you.

9.Taste Your Sweat

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Thirst Offender: zyoung54

Licking a salty liquid off someone's body can't be good for your cholesterol, bro.


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Thirst Offender: nefew1974

If you animated the bust from Lionel Richie's “Hello,” you'll get nefew1974.


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Thirst Offender: king_quaney

Jesus ain't die for this.

12.Hardwood Puns

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Thirst Offender: solountouchable

Get it? Hard? Wood? Penis? Erection? Lolz

13.Staying in Shape

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Thirst Offender: smokegodfather


14.Side Piece

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Thirst Offender: iso.21tj

Is this guy really re-writing history in the Instagram comment section?


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Thirst Offender: swagalertking

This author wants to make a billi by the end of today. It ain't gonna happen, so he makes fun of you instead.


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Thirst Offender: unhappymad

Dawg. People want Skylar Diggins so badly they're willing her to be theirs.


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Thirst Offender: marshun_colbert

Dude must be celibate. Props to him.

18.That D

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Thirst Offender: _mrambition_

Rumor has it that he was shocked when Diggins didn't blow up his DMs.

19.Happy Valentine's Day

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Thirst Offender: datguy_covey

Nobody has time to read your thirst paragraphs.

20.Lovin' the Backside

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Thirst Offender: class__act

Maybe writing that is one thing you shouldn't do.

21.Wishes Don't Come True

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Thirst Offender: jeremy_bangbang

Said the Instagram commenter as he shed a tear.

22.He'll Be Your Best Friend

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Thirst Offender: danepar10

“I want to hug the shit out of you!”

23.That Strength

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Thirst Offender: drreal_773

To be fair, the dude does look kind of muscular in his avatar.

24.Time for Children

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Thirst Offender: swaggy_2a

Sometimes cartoon jokes are better left to cartoon.

25.Going Deaf

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Thirst Offender: bayboytedd

Gotta love how he proposes babymaking like he's putting $5 on a dime bag.

26.The Threesome

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Thirst Offender: freddiebtv

He probably doesn't mean what he's saying.