25 Hilarious Car Memes

They've got jokes!

October 19, 2012
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Complex Original

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In recent years, memes have become an internet phenomenon.The basic premise (for those of you who have been living under a rock) is to attach a funny caption (usually bearing some sort of social relevance) to a picture or video. Unfortunately, most memes suffer from a severe lack of creativity, relentlessly playing on tired, worn out jokes. But fear not, the team at the rides channel has combed through thousands of car memes looking for the best, most hilarious offerings. Today, we bring you 25 car memes that don't suck.

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Better question: Would you need an adapter to fill up at the gas tank?


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Double Kill

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Awful ... but still funny.


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Did you find a $100 pizza?

Pick up bitches

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Every second you're not in the car is a waste of a girl that could have been picked up.


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We recently discovered it's not just Ferraris that love catching on fire.

Your mom

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How's that for glamorous?


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West Coast Customs probably actually made this car, though.


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He'd probably do better than the guys over at Midas.

Get in the Car

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Okay, go straight towards those trees, take a left past the porta potty, go over the lilac springs bridge, and get the hell outta here. GO, GO, GO.

Flock of Seagulls

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Parking below trees can sometimes be hazardous to your car's health.

Dad Goes to a Car Show

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If you have ever been to a local car show, this actually happens. Dad, in hopes of reliving some lost part of his youth, shows up in a maxed-out Toyota Sienna and tries his best to blend in with the crowd. Pathetic.

Amphibian Humor

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Homophones are always good for a chuckle.

Rex's Revenge

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And you thought your car was a piece of shit ...

Maybe He Got The LX Package

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We respect Kia (not necessarily the dudes that drive em') mostly because of their recent advertising campaign featuring a pack of dancing rats rockin' out in a blinged out Soul.

Ditches and Hoes

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We couldn't complete this list without at least one Kanye bitch/ditch reference. Sorry.

Too Much Time On Their Hands

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These guys are our heroes.

Slight Water Damage

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He may not have much common sense when it comes to cars, but at least this dude knows how to rock a pair ultra-tight Levis.

Euro Cops

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Don't EVER underestimate EVOs. They are bona fide rocket-ships!

Paranoid Pops

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Lindsay Lohan's dad should take parenting lessons from this guy.

Wise Advice

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If you have ever driven a minivan, you know that they are specifically designed to make men feel like absolute shit. Wrap it up, fellas!

Sign of the Times

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Sad but so true.

The Cat Lady

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This woman hasn't been laid in decades.

German Chivalry

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C'mon, son.

Crazy Car Lady

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Women tend to lose their shit when searching for a parking space. It's encoded in their DNA.