Marvel Comics Just Revealed That Iceman from X-Men Is Actually Gay

This week a huge announcement was made in the comic book world when one of the original X-Men, Iceman, came out as gay

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This week a huge announcement was made in the comic book world when one of the original X-Men,Iceman, came out as gay.

Whilst not the first comic character to be open about their sexuality, this carries a certain significance as Iceman (real name Bobby Drake) is one of the original X-Men who plays a pivotal role within the main Marvel Universe (Earth -616). He's also potentially one of the strongest mutants ever, having officially been classed as 'omega-level'.

The story will take place in the finale to Brian Michael Bendis’ UncannyX-Men (Issue #600) where Bobby’s younger self (who has travelled back in time, along with the original first-class members Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast and Angel) confronts the present-day Iceman, after coming to terms with his sexuality himself.

Here's a look at the big reveal.

This is not the first time a comic book character has been open about their sexuality. In the Marvel Universe fellow X-Men Northstar and Karma are open about their preference for the same sex and Wiccan and Hulking, from the Young Avengers, are a same-sex couple, whilst in the DC Comics universe Catwoman has come out as bisexual.

What effect this will have on Fox Studios' X-Men movies remains to be seen as the current Iceman, played by Shawn Ashmore, is in a love triangle with female teammates, Rouge and Kitty Pryde.

[via IGN]

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