MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Calls Gamers in Their Twenties Weak, Unmarriable

Well, we guess he should get credit for being impetuous.

May 30, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Cable news' answer to Beaker from the Muppets, Joe Scarborough, 'meep meeped' his way through a cringe-worthy comparison this morning on his show Morning Joe.

While reporting on a recent news story about how women are becoming the primary earners in American households and the shifting roles of gender, Scarborough naturally worried about worthy, hypothetical, future suitors for his nine year old daughter.

"Men in their twenties, who unfortunately I think are weak, and stay at home, and play video games and are weak, weak, weak and unmarriable! They’re just...there are no good men out there! Other than my son and his friends."

God, we just got douche chills. Of course your perfect progeny are beyond reproach, the rest of us are just millennial slackers. Is that what we're meant to take away here, Joe? That you and the rest of the boomers have spent the last 30 years bloating the deficit and then sticking us with the bill is what makes us 'weak'?

Scarborough and I share an Alma Mater, University of Florida, and I can guarantee you that he wasn't paying over $300 a credit hour that came with a really awesome student loan payment plan. The idea of using gaming as some sort of blanket statement to narrowly define an entire generation is just plain lazy. But, hey, it is cable.

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[via Kotaku]