Let's Get Physical: When Games Become Sexually Awkward

December 22, 2010
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Let's Get Physical: When Games Become Sexually Awkward

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Image via Complex Original

If you're up to date on current events, then you probably already know what we're about to tell you, but at Complex we're so busy with entertaining you that we've managed to miss the war on terror, global warming, and Rex Ryan's wife's foot thing. Somehow, though, we were clued in enough to hear that a sex game is being made for the Kinect. Other than taking the whole "show me on the doll where he touched you" thing to the next level, we can't imagine why someone would buy this game. Still, it's not the first time we've been mentally violated by games; they've been doing it to us for years. We rounded up some our (least) favorite gaming moments that make us wish we were somewhere less uncomfortable...like back in sex ed watching our gym teacher put a condom on a banana.

Ring King

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Ring King (1989)

Complex says:Ring King


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Duke Nukem (1991)

Complex says:Duke Nukem Forever


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Conker’s Bad Fur Day (2001)

Complex says:


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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas(2004)

Complex says:GTA: San Andreas


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Fable (2004)

Complex says:Fable

Little Big Planet

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Little Big Planet (2005)

Complex says:LBP

Street Fighter IV

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Street Fighter IV (2009)

Complex says:

Dead Rising 2

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Dead Rising 2 (2010)

Complex says:GTA: San Andreas


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Heavy Rain (2010)

Complex says:Heavy Rainthat